Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Beef Torte

Beef Torte

from The Art of Cooking by Maestro Martino of Como
Veal, Kid, or Young Capon Torte
Take whichever of the meats listed above that you wish, boiling them first, and making sure that the
meat is lean and fatty [??]; and once you have removed every nerve, finely chop with a knife; then
crush slightly in a mortar; and take some fresh cheese, and little bit of good aged cheese; likewise a
little parsley and marjoram, finely chopping the one and the other, and ten or fifteen eggs with a pork
belly or veal udder that has been well boiled and very finely chopped, adding a bit of pepper, some
ginger, some cinnamon, some saffron, and cook the same way you would a white torte.

Lady Ellie's Redaction:
I used roast beef, not veal. I think by "nerve" he means tendons or gristle, which I really should have
attempted to extract, but it isn't easy to do. The pork belly or veal udder would be a fatty tissue; I used
cooked suet from the steer.

crust—flour, tallow, salt
3 c minced roast beef
1/2 c minced suet
1 c Ricotta cheese
½ c Romano cheese
3 eggs
2 TBSP parsley
½ tsp each marjoram, pepper and ginger
1 tsp cinnamon
½ tsp salt
pinch of saffron

The crusts for all these tortes were made by the hot water method suggested in the link his Excellency
offered a few months ago (boil water and suet or lard and beat the flour into it) I find it works quite

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