Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Armored Turnips

Armored Turnips

Platina p. 147 (book 8)
Cut up turnips that have been either boiled or cooked under the ashes. Likewise do the same with rich
cheese, not too ripe. These should be smaller morsels than the turnips, though. In a pan greased with
butter or liquamen, make a layer of cheese first, then a layer of turnips, and so on, all the while
pouring in spice and some butter, from time to time. This dish is quickly cooked and should be eaten
quickly, too.
1 lb turnips (5 little) 2 T butter 1/4 t ginger 1 t sugar
10 oz cheddar cheese 1/2 t cinnamon 1/4 t pepper

Boil turnips about 30 minutes, peel and slice. Slice cheese thinner than turnips, with slices about
the same size. Layer turnips, sliced cheese and spices in 9"x5" baking pan, and bake 20 minutes
at 350°.
We have modified this recipe in accordance with the more detailed version in Martino’s
cookbook, which calls for “some sugar, some pepper and some sweet spices”. Martino was
apparently the source for Platina’s recipes.
I used about twice the amount of turnips called for here so doubled the entire recipe. I had to leave
before the turnips had boiled their full 30 minutes so they only got about 15 minutes and then sat in the
hot water till I got back, I thought they were done but after I made the dish realized they had needed
more cooking time. I decided that I liked the stronger flavor of leaving the skins but my family didn't
so I got to eat the whole dish by my self, which I didn't mind. I already had some powder douce made
up left from my March pasta dish ingredients. It had all of the ingredients called for except pepper and
had some nutmeg and sugar added. I didn't measure how much cheese I used but it seemed about right.
I thought it was good except for the turnips being under done and needing more salt and pepper. My
family doesn't like turnips so their comments would not be helpful here.

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