Thursday, July 10, 2014

Stuffed Mushrooms

Stuffed Mushrooms

Mushrooms stuffed with feta cheese, garlic, & herbs - contributed by Michael Hobbes

• Mushrooms, large
• Feta Cheese
• Olive Oil
• Garlic
• Bread Crumbs
• Rosemary, Basil, & Oregano

Remove the stems from the mushrooms and wash the caps carefully. In a bowl, break the
feta cheese up into small pieces. To this add chopped basil, oregano, rosemary, and garlic.
Mix in the olive oil until a doughy mass is formed. Add bread crumbs until it firms up.
Then stuff a section about a teaspoon in size into each cap. Place in a baking pan and bake
at 350° F until done. Serve while hot.

Stuffed Mushrooms is featured in Coronation Feast of H.R.H Kenna
Michael Hobbes is a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism, living in Columbus, Ohio.
He was recently awarded the Laurel, the SCA's highest honor for arts & sciences, for his work in

We enjoyed these at out October 2012 meeting and they were fabulous.

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