Thursday, July 10, 2014

Rice Tart

Erin's Rice Tart

This recipe was found in one of our online sources but the internet link has been misplaced.

This rice tart with a slightly nutty flavor makes a great accompaniment to any meat dish.
Country: Germany
Century: 16th
2 cups cooked rice
2 eggs, beaten
1/4 c. chopped or sliced almonds
2 tbsp. chipped butter
pie crust
Mix rice and almonds. Add beaten eggs. Put rice mixture into the pie crust and cover with butter. Bake
at 350 for about 1/2 hour or until the tart is golden brown.
Original Recipe Sources
Source [Das Kuchbuch der Sabina Welserin, V. Armstrong (trans.)]:115 To make a rice tart. Take a
quarter pound of rice and cook it in water and take a few almonds and pound it all together well and
beat eggs into it. And when it is almost finished baking, then pour hot fat on top, then it will form a
hard crust, so that it becomes good.

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