Saturday, December 20, 2014

Quince Pottage

From The Art of Cooking  by Maestro Martino of Como

"Cook the quinces in lean meat broth. Then crush and thin with some almond milk made with meat broth or good fatty pullet broth, if the season  permits; and pass through a stamine and put into a pot with sugar, ginger, and cinnamon, and a bit of saffron; and set it to boil away from the flame on hot coals so that it will not burn, and stir often with a spoon. And it would be best to add a little butter or fresh rendered lard. Then, when it appears to be done, serve in bowls, topped with sweet spices and sugar."

Hurray for modern blenders! This is simpler than pestles and stamines (a sort of strainer). 

Cook 1 large or two small quinces in 5 cups of broth with sea salt to taste( I used chicken) until quite soft. Use another cup of broth to blend a cup of  peeled, slivered almonds to a smooth paste. Combine with the quinces and add 1 Tbsp. sugar, 1/2 tsp. ginger and 1 tsp. cinnamon, with a tiny pinch of saffron.  Blend in batches (there will be too much probably for one blender) and return to the pot to simmer a little while, stirring very frequently. Add 2 Tbsp. of butter.  The garnish of cinnamon sugar in the bowls is superfluous but pretty.

This was popular at my work Christmas party.

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