from Libre de Sent Sovi
"If you want to prepare tender chick peas with almond milk, do it thus: Take the chick peas and clean them well. And take almond milk and set them to cook with the milk and with oil and salt; and add onion scalded in boiling water. And when they should be cooked, add parsley and basil and marjoram and other good herbs and a little ginger and verjuice And when you add the chick peas, they should be washed in hot water and they will cook more quickly."
My comments and redaction:
If you really want them to cook more quickly, it is better to soak them overnight, not just wash them.
You can make the almond milk by putting about equal parts almonds and water in a blender and pureeing the heck out of them. Then thin a measured amount of the resulting paste to the consistency you want. If you put all the water in at first, they don't puree as well.
If you like dairy or can't tolerate nuts, this will work with cream. Cook the garbanzos most of the way in water before adding heavy cream.
Put 1 cup garbanzos to soak in warm water overnight. Drain and place in large pan with 4 cups thin almond milk and 1 medium onion, chopped. Add salt to your preference. (I can't picture what the oil would be for.) Cook until tender. Add 1 Tbsp. parsley, 1 tsp. basil, 1/2 tsp. each marjoram, ginger, and savory, 1 Tbsp. white wine vinegar. Taste and adjust seasoning. Serve warm.